British Crow Family
PLEASE NOTE: All replica collections are painted to order… please contact us before placing your order to confirm waiting lists and delivery dates.
A beautiful display of our native British Corvids (Crows), beautifully arranged to show the size and wonderful blue/green colouration from the majestic Raven, down to the flambouyant but very shy Jay. This hand painted collection displays the smokey charcoal smears and speckles associated with Crows’ eggs. Each egg is made life size and arranged on a background design of high tree-tops a typical nesting site?. Each egg is numbered and species titles are arranged along the bottom of the frame. There is a title plate named “British Crow Family” attached to the outside frame. A perfect gift for the country gent, or groundsman for who when working closely with, can appreciate the beauty of these magnificent birds. The ideal gift for study, library or shooting lodge.
British Corvids replica cased collection.
Width: 225mm x Height: 295mm
Raven, Rook, Carrion Crow, Chough, Hooded Crow, Jackdaw, Jay, Magpie.