Author Archive | Tony Ladd


BBC filming in the Studio!!

Great fun had by all recently as a BBC film crew visited my Studio to interview and film a piece for a new documentary. This gave me a great excuse to tidy up! and show some of my latest creations up close and personal. We particularly featured some cuckoo and host clutches plus a beautiful […]

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GIANT artworks go down a storm!!!

Tony has recently been working very hard to produce some amazing large scale Natural history artworks. From years of experience as a graphic designer and re-toucher Tony has been able to produce some amazing limited edition prints 1/12. His understanding of 3D along with shadow work and high-res production techniques, has these stunning interior pieces […]

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Great Day out at the “Evolution” auction

Always a date in Tony’s diary the Evolution auction held at Summers Place, Billingshurst. Tony has featured some of his work in this auction house, including his fine cased studies of Great Auk eggs. Tony says…”I’ve been lucky enough to form a great friendship with Errol Fuller and keep up to date with what’s happening […]

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September 2015 Eggogram!

Dear Friends I can’t believe we are approaching Autumn already! The boughs are bending and as leaves make their last journey down to the ground,  Mother Nature  gives one last push showing us that not only has one season ended but one is about to burst forth with renewed vigour! I love this transition in […]

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Sneak Preview of New Prints!

Existing customers will have received an email, about our new set of prints, and given a chance to buy in advance of everyone else! They will be on sale to new customers and live on this site in due course. If we have forgotten any of our friends and you have not received the heads […]

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An Oological Study of British Raptors!

Introducing Tonys’ first volume featuring  British Raptors………… Tony Ladd, an experienced graphic designer and wildlife artist, has produced a truly remarkable publication with all the hallmarks of a Victorian Journal from the olden days. Through thousands of hours research and visits to the great natural history museums of Great Britain he has presented the story […]

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Liberty of London – EXCLUSIVE collections!

Liberty of London, have recently commissioned bespoke collections of Garden birds eggs for their NEW Summer/Autumn Collection. Tony has designed a modern contemporary case of eggs with a bespoke paisley design background, all cased in a hand-painted, waxed frame. The long thin proportions of these collections exude a cool modern interior look, perfect for the […]

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Springtime – bursting with orders!!!!

We are experiencing a very busy patch here at egg central! – Tony has just completed a wonderful order for the Icelandic Reykjavik Museum comprising of three Great Auk eggs. Also one of the NEW collections “Seabirds” is proving very popular, due to its wonderfully detailed egg examples.  

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“INTRODUCING ERNEST”…..A Perfect Clutch!

“Ernest  is a blog, iPad magazine and biannual printed journal for curious and adventurous gentlefolk. It is a guide for those who appreciate true craftsmanship, who are fascinated by curious histories and eccentric traditions and who care more for timeless style than trends.” I am very proud to have been asked, to appear in the […]

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