NEW – British Birds egg Clutches


price on request + Shipping


PLEASE NOTE: All replica collections are painted to order… please contact us before placing your order to confirm waiting lists and delivery dates.

After many, many years of perfecting Tony’s replica birds eggs, he is often asked if he can create replica birds egg ‘clutches’. Having built up a huge array of moulds and casting forms Tony is now able to pretty well replicate ALL of our native British Birds’ eggs. Tony’s vast knowledge enables him to accurately make each species to the actual size and shape of each bird. His painting skill also enables him to replicate a clutch of eggs with the right colour/hue(s) – and, to create a believable clutch that brings each egg together in colour but shows how each egg within a clutch is totally different and varied. These stunning mini collections are perfect for those wishing to build up a full replica collection. Tony’s skill in the art of replica is outstanding, he looks forward to hearing from anyone who wishes to build a bespoke cased collection OR to start building their own unique replica birds egg collection clutch by clutch. As the variation across British birds eggs is huge tony will be able to cost each egg/clutch individually on request, depending on the eggs complexity and size?


Individual British bird egg specimens. Bespoke hand painted replicas cased or supplied lose.


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cast replica eggs? (various patterning)

hand painted to absolute natural size and shape (various patterning)